How to Develop a Cloud-Based Application

Imagine a world where your software effortlessly scales with demand, seamlessly integrates with diverse systems, and operates from anywhere on the globe. This is the reality of cloud-based application development, and it’s revolutionizing the way we build and deploy software. As a software development company that has been developing cloud based applications for its clients for over 10 years, Era Biz Solutions hopes to impart the steps of developing such applications, and solve many common queries clients have in the post below.

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Table of Contents

What is cloud-based application development?

In simplest terms, it’s about building software that thrives in the virtual realm of cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Your code lives in the cloud, accessible from any internet-connected device, empowering flexibility, scalability, and accessibility unlike ever before. This means that when Era Biz develops cloud-based applications we don’t have to transfer bulky code to clients. We just have to provide them login access to the cloud application.

Why choose cloud-based application development?

Over the years, Era Biz has been able to fully utilize the benefits if cloud-based applications for its clients. These benefits are plentiful:

  • Scalability on demand: No more worrying about outgrowing your servers. The cloud effortlessly scales your resources up or down as your user base fluctuates.
  • Reduced costs: Ditch the on-premise hardware and maintenance headaches. Cloud services offer a pay-as-you-go model, lowering upfront costs and eliminating the burden of infrastructure management.
  • Unmatched agility: Deploy new features and updates in real-time, without affecting existing users. The cloud fosters rapid development cycles and continuous innovation.
  • Accessibility and collaboration: Team members and users around the world can access your application from anywhere, anytime, promoting remote work and collaborative workflows.
  • Enhanced security: Leading cloud providers offer robust security infrastructure, including data encryption and advanced threat detection, leaving you worry-free.

Read our blog post on Cloud Computing in 2023: Statistics and Benefits to understand how cloud-based applications are changing the world.

What are the challenges of developing cloud-based applications?

Of course, no technology is without its challenges. Here are some of the challenges our (Era Biz Solutions’) clients have told us they came across:

  • Security concerns: While cloud providers offer strong security measures, understanding data compliance and access control is crucial.
  • Vendor lock-in: Choosing the right cloud platform is essential, as migrating to another can be complex and expensive.
  • Connectivity dependence: Reliable internet connection is vital for smooth cloud application operation.
  • Potential cost surprises: While pay-as-you-go is attractive, over-provisioning resources can lead to unexpected bills.

When should I choose cloud-based development over traditional development?

So, when should you choose cloud-based development over traditional on-premise solutions? It makes perfect sense when:

  1. Your application needs to scale rapidly and dynamically.
  2. Collaboration and remote access are crucial aspects of your workflow.
  3. You want to reduce upfront costs and avoid hardware headaches.
  4. Security and reliability are paramount for your data and users.

What are the Different Cloud Platforms Available for Development?

Now, let’s explore the diverse landscape of cloud platforms. In particular, we found 3 cloud platforms to be the best and most popular. Most of Era Biz’ cloud-based applications are based on these cloud platforms depending on the differing needs of clients:

  • AWS: The established leader, offering a comprehensive suite of services and robust infrastructure.
  • Azure: Known for its strong integration with Microsoft technologies and hybrid cloud solutions.
  • GCP: Google’s cloud platform is rapidly gaining traction, offering competitive pricing and cutting-edge AI and machine learning services.

Choosing the right platform is key. Consider your application’s requirements, budget, and existing technology stack before making your decision.

Understanding the Technicalities of Building a Cloud-based Application

Ready to dive into the technical nitty-gritty? Here are some essential factors that you need to consider when speaking with your software development partner for cloud-based application development. With Era Biz Solutions we arrange a free consultation for you to discuss the technicalities of your application:

Architecture: Design your application with microservices and loose coupling for optimal scalability and flexibility.

Security: Implement data encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection systems to keep your cloud secure.

Scalability: Utilize auto-scaling features and resource optimization tools to manage your cloud resources efficiently.

Tools of the trade: Which of the popular cloud development tools such as Docker and Kubernetes, and serverless functions for rapid development and deployment do you plan to use for your cloud-based application? Speak with experts and make a decision.

Types of Cloud-Based Applications

But what do you mean by specific cloud-based application types? This is a common question that our clients ask us at Era Biz Solutions. Here’s what you need to know about the types and developing each type:

Web applications: Utilize serverless functions and cloud-based databases for a cost-effective and scalable web app experience.

Mobile applications: Leverage cloud backend services and push notifications for engaging and dynamic mobile apps.

On-premise integration: Hybrid cloud solutions seamlessly bridge the gap between your cloud application and on-premises systems.

How do I migrate my existing application to the cloud?

Cloud providers offer migration tools and services to ease the transition of existing applications to the cloud. Era Biz Solutions assigns a separate migration team at the end of its projects to help clients make use of these tools and ensure a smooth migration to the cloud!

Building Your Cloud Dream: From Concept to Creation

A. Ideation & Planning:

Identifying Your Purpose:

  • Define a burning problem or need your application will address.
  • Is it streamlining daily tasks, solving a specific industry challenge, or offering an entirely new service?
  • Who benefits from your solution, and how does it improve their lives?

Knowing Your Audience:

  • Clearly define your target user base.
  • Understand their demographics, pain points, and expectations.
  • How will your application cater to their unique needs and preferences?

Crafting a Stellar User Experience:

  • Develop a concise vision for your application’s user experience (UX) and user interface (UI).
  • Prioritize intuitiveness, ease of use, and visual appeal.
  • How will users seamlessly interact with your application and achieve their goals?

Building the Right Foundation:

  • Choose the optimal application architecture based on your requirements.
  • Will a flexible microservices approach or a more traditional monolithic structure be more effective? Make your approach based on the answer.
  • Consider scalability, maintainability, and development velocity when making your decision.

B. Development & Deployment:

Choosing the Right Tools:

  • Select programming languages and frameworks that are well-suited for cloud development.
  • Consider existing infrastructure, developer skillsets, and industry trends.
  • Popular options include Java, Python, Go, and JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular.

Security at Every Step:

  • Implement robust security measures throughout the development process.
  • Your application needs to have everything from data encryption and access controls to intrusion detection and vulnerability management, prioritize user and data protection.

Embracing the Cloud:

  • Utilize cloud-native features and services like serverless functions, containerization, and managed databases for agile and efficient development.
  • Leverage the platform’s built-in capabilities to reduce complexity and focus on core application logic.

Testing for Perfection:

  • Rigorously test your application at every stage of development.
  • Employ automated testing tools, manual testing strategies, and performance measurement tools to ensure a seamless user experience.

C. Scaling & Maintenance:

Building for Growth:

  • Design your application for elastic scaling to accommodate fluctuating user demand.
  • Utilize auto-scaling features and resource optimization tools to avoid bottlenecks and manage costs effectively.

Keeping an Eye on the System:

  • Implement automated monitoring and alerting systems to proactively identify and address potential issues.
  • Track server health, application performance, and resource utilization to maintain optimal operation.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Embrace continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices for streamlined updates and bug fixes.
  • Automate code testing, deployment, and infrastructure management to ensure quick iterations and high availability.

By following these steps, you’ll transform your cloud-based application from a mere concept into a fully functional and scalable reality. Remember, careful planning, security-conscious development, and a focus on user experience are the cornerstones of success in the cloud.

Why Choose Era Biz Solutions for Cloud-Based Application Development?

With so many cloud application development companies to choose from, how do you select the right one for your needs?

Era Biz Solutions stands out as a leading provider of cloud-based application development services. Here are just a few reasons why you should choose us for your next project:

Expertise and Experience:

  • Our team of experienced developers possesses in-depth knowledge of leading cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
  • We have a proven track record of delivering successful cloud-based applications across various industries, from healthcare and finance to retail and manufacturing.

Scalability and Flexibility:

  • Cloud-based applications can easily scale up or down to meet your changing business needs. Era Biz Solutions can help you design and develop applications that are adaptable and future-proof.
  • We offer flexible engagement models, from fixed-cost projects to ongoing managed services, to ensure we meet your specific requirements and budget.

Security and Reliability:

  • At Era Biz Solutions, we take security seriously. Our organization uses secure development practices and has many measures in place to protect your data and applications.
  • We have a proven track record of delivering reliable and high-performance applications that can handle even the most demanding workloads.


  • Era Biz Solutions can help you optimize your cloud spend and ensure you get the most value for your investment.
  • We offer transparent pricing models and avoid vendor lock-in, so you can be confident you’re getting the best value for your money.

Innovation and Agility:

  • Era Biz Solutions stays at the forefront of cloud technology trends and leverages the latest advancements to deliver innovative and cutting-edge solutions.
  • We can help you leverage cloud-based technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics to gain a competitive edge.

Partnership and Support:

  • We believe in building strong partnerships with our clients. We take the time to understand your business needs and objectives and work closely with you throughout the development process.
  • We offer comprehensive support services to ensure your cloud-based applications are running smoothly and delivering the value you expect.

In addition to the above, Era Biz Solutions also offers:

  • Dedicated development teams: You’ll have a dedicated team of developers working on your project, ensuring continuity and accountability.
  • Agile development methodology: We use agile methodologies to deliver projects quickly and iteratively, ensuring you get early feedback and can adapt to changing requirements.
  • Transparent communication: We keep you informed every step of the way, so you always know the status of your project.

Ready to take your business to the cloud?

Contact Era Biz Solutions today to discuss your cloud-based application development needs. We’re confident we can be your trusted partner in building innovative and successful cloud solutions.

How much does it cost to develop a cloud-based application?

Cost is always a concern. The price of developing a cloud-based application depends on various factors like platform usage, resources consumed, and development complexity. However, cloud’s cost-effectiveness often outweighs on-premise expenses in the long run.  Era Biz Solutions offers cost-effective cloud-based applications through offshore software development and remote dedicated developers. Contact us to discuss the costing process and or learn about our pricing structure on our website.

Era Biz Solutions: Cloud Success Stories

  1. A Retail Success Story:

A retail giant in Sri Lanka saw foot traffic dwindling and online experiences failing to engage. They engaged Era Biz Solutions to craft them a mobile app which could handle a large customer base. a cloud-based mobile app infused with AI-powered product recommendations and intuitive in-store navigation. The result? A 17.8% surge in online sales within just six months, coupled with a 13.2% average order value increase. Customer satisfaction soared, solidifying brand loyalty and breathing new life into the retail giant’s digital presence.

  1. Telehealth Triumph:

A healthcare provider from the USA faced the challenge of expanding care to underserved smaller town areas while upholding patient privacy and security. Era Biz Solutions delivered a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine platform hosted on a secure cloud platform. This game-changer led to a 28.4% increase in patient consultations, boosting accessibility and convenience. Healthcare costs dipped, and operational efficiency skyrocketed, showcasing the power of cloud-based solutions in the medical field.

Last Minute Save for Logistics:

A logistics company in Europe reached out to Era Biz Solutions to solve their inefficient delivery tracking and fleet management, which was causing them to almost go into the red. We customized our flagship cloud-based real-time tracking app, Era GO, for them. The app comes equipped with GPS integration and route optimization features and had many additional features provided according to the needs of the client. This resulted in a 9.7% reduction in delivery times, a 12.3% decrease in fuel consumption, and a significant improvement in customer satisfaction and service quality – hence improving revenue drastically. The logistics company witnessed a true optimization revolution, proving the agility and efficiency cloud solutions can bring.

Emerging trends:

Looking ahead, exciting trends are shaping the future of cloud development:

  1. Serverless computing: No more server management! Serverless functions allow you outsource server management to a separate SaaS company while your developers focus purely on code, leaving infrastructure headaches to the cloud.
  2. AI and machine learning: Integrate AI capabilities into your application for intelligent personalization, data analysis, and automated decision-making.
  3. Blockchain potential: Explore the possibilities of blockchain technology for secure data provenance, decentralized storage, and innovative authentication solutions.

Building a cloud-based application is not just about choosing a platform and writing code. It’s about harnessing the transformative power of the cloud to empower your users, streamline your operations, and unlock endless possibilities.

So, are you ready to take the plunge and build your next masterpiece in the cloud? Here are some final words of encouragement:

Embrace the learning curve: There’s no need to be a cloud expert from day one. Start small, experiment, and keep learning. The resources and communities available are vast and supportive.

Partner with experts: If needed, seek guidance from seasoned cloud developers or consultants. Their expertise can accelerate your development journey and avoid potential pitfalls.

Don’t be afraid to experiment: The cloud is a playground for innovation. Prototype new features, explore emerging technologies, and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

The cloud is the future, and it’s waiting for you to build your next game-changer. So, take the first step today, and watch your cloud-based application soar to new heights!

Helpful Resources

And remember, this is just the beginning of your cloud journey. Resources abound to help you dive deeper:

  1. Cloud provider documentation: AWS, Azure, and GCP offer comprehensive documentation and tutorials to guide your development process.
  2. Online communities: Forums, social media groups, and online communities connect you with fellow cloud developers for advice, support, and valuable insights.
  3. Blogs and articles: Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices by following industry blogs and publications dedicated to cloud-based development.

Now go forth and build something incredible! The cloud is your canvas, so paint your masterpiece with imagination and innovation.

About Us

Era Biz Solutions is an offshore software development company in the UK and Sri Lanka that was formed in 2011. The organization focuses on providing custom software development, web development, cloud-based application development, and mobile app development services to clients in a transparent and reliable manner. It is known for the innovation and creativity of its talented dedicated developers and dedicated teams sourced by its tech hub in Sri Lanka. In addition to the custom development projects offered in the form of full project outsourcing, Era Biz also provides flagship solutions for CRM, ERP, LMS and Logistics that have many loyal users over the years.

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