With the continuously increasing popularity of Apple watches, iPhones, iPads, and other smart devices, there is also a growing demand to develop new and creative iOS apps for business and entertainment. However, it is key to hire a trustworthy iOS developer/s with plenty of experience to ensure that you obtain an app that will stand out in the Apple App Store. As the project owner, it may also be necessary to have some basic understanding of the programming languages and other technical aspects of your prospective iOS app to understand your requirements

Apple iOS is the mobile operating system used by many smart Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, iPod Touch, Apple Watches, and more. Apple uses a standard set of programming languages and tools to create native iOS applications (only run on iOS systems), though an iOS developer can creatively use other toolsets and resources if able to integrate them properly as is the case in hybrid apps, which can run on multiple operating systems through a native shell coding. Compared to apps in other operating systems, iOS apps are more direct, easier to use, and have a higher level of security.

Native iOS apps use Objective-C or Swift languages for their code base. Of these Objective-C is the older and more mature, stable language used by iOS developers for mobile app development. However, due to its lack of growth and upgrades, it is becoming increasingly unable to keep up with technological advances. As a result, Apple recently released Swift, an exclusive “robust and intuitive programming language created by Apple for building apps for iOS, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Watch” as stated on their website. Swift not only is more modern and technologically advanced but also simpler to learn and use, faster, and more flexible. That said some do still prefer the stability of Objective-C as they are more used to this code.

In addition to these, many Web application languages (CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, etc.) can be used to create hybrid apps by wrapping the core code in a native shell created in mobile app development frameworks such as React Native, Flutter, Ionic, Xamarin, etc.

One more key link in iOS app development is Xcode. Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) that helps test and run the iOS apps that are developed by your iOS developer and finally deploy them onto the Apple AppStore

Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Develop Your iOS Mobile Apps with Era Biz?

1. Skilled iOS developers

Our iOS developers are experts in the native iOS languages, Objective-C and Swift, and the iOS IDE, Xcode. In addition, our iOS developers are also skilled and experienced in creating hybrid iOS apps using Flutter, React Native, Xamarin, Ionic, and other frameworks.

2. User Privacy and Data Security

We offer the highest user privacy and data security in iOS apps keeping in mind regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA.

3. High Cost-Efficiency

Through offshore software development in Sri Lanka and efficient agile development cycles, we are able to reduce development costs and provide the cleanest code. Our organization strives to provide you with the best cost-quality ratio in the market.

4. Maximized App Performance

Our iOS developers are experts in creating iOS apps that maximize performance and resource management even on devices with limited processing power and memory.

5. Agile Development

We follow Agile software development methodologies with development done in short sprints, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

6. Visible Output

Through our Agile Development, you will be able to gain visible, demonstrable output at the end of each sprint period. This will assure you of your final product and make it easier to make any changes.

7. Augmented Reality and AI

With us, you are able to hire iOS developers who can integrate groundbreaking augmented reality and artificial intelligence capabilities into iOS apps. That said, keep in mind that these features will be costing higher than normal iOS app features due to the difficulties obtaining experienced developers, though it will still be less than what you will be charged onshore within your country.

Proper planning and preparation can make all the difference between a successful iOS app and a less successful one. Here are the steps you need to take before getting ready for your iOS App Development Project.

1. Research and Analysis: Research your key objectives for creating the project. Use this research to perform a requirements analysis and identify your key technical requirements and objectives for the iOS app.

2. Identify app features and create proposal: Identify and draw up a list of doable features that you would expect to be included in your iOS app. Draw up a basic proposal with all your requirements.

3. Discuss with Experts: Contact your iOS mobile app development company, sign a project contract with them for privacy, and discuss the do-ability of your requirements and possible alternate ways to cover your objectives if not.

4. Identify App type and tech stack: Consult with the app development company further and identify if you need a native or hybrid iOS app and the iOS developer skillsets you need to do development.

5. Prepare Material and Human Resources: Either hire a dedicated iOS developer team or individual iOS developers with the correct skillsets to do your mobile app development. You can also fully outsource your iOS app project to your mobile app development company to develop. You also need to check and ensure your developers have high-end Apple MacBooks and any other necessary technical resources to do the development. (Most iOS developers would but do check in case they have an issue with their MacBook or are used to working on devices provided by the client)

6. Oversee Team: Let your development team do their job, and just check back on them occasionally to check back with the project manager to understand progress and make any changes.

7. Testing and Deployment: When your app is complete, ensure testing is completed successfully and deploy it on the Apple AppStore through Xcode.

Contact us to Hire an iOS Developer team for fast and secure iOS mobile app development.