Why You Need to Customize Corporate Learning Solutions with AI

The world of corporate work has reached a whole new level in 2024. Continuous learning and upskilling are no longer optional – they are essential for individuals and organizations to thrive. Traditional learning methods, however, often fall short in providing the personalized and engaging experiences that today’s learners demand. However, with the inclusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI), learning platforms such as that of Era Biz, the topmost LMS provider of Sri Lanka, are able to revolutionize corporate learning solutions by adapting to individual needs and preferences, driving engagement, predictive analytics and optimizing learning outcomes.

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According to data from Research.com, 47% of LMS tools will have AI capabilities enabled by 2024. The AI market in education is expected to reach USD 80 billion by 2032 with a 76.9% CAGR as per research by Rask. Major eLearning services such as Coursera, Duolingo and Workera have already implemented AI. However, the power of AI lies in its customization capabilities. Due to increasing requests from our clients, Era Biz Solutions is currently implementing this in our flagship corporate learning solution Era LMS.

The Power of AI for Customized Corporate Learning Solutions

AI is transforming corporate learning in several key ways:

  • Personalization: AI analyzes individual learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses to tailor learning paths and content. Surveys revealed that 91% of employees want their training to be personalized and relevant. Our (Era Biz Solutions’) most recent clients from a government institution, for example, wanted us to use AI to personalize the course content each of their employees would see based on the department they were based in within the institution. After completion of this project it reduced the time they had to spend assigning critical learning for each employee.
  • User Experience: AI-powered learning platforms use interactive elements, chatbots, and personalized feedback to boost user experience and motivation. According to a research report by Rask, fully AI generated videos had the same positive impact as human generated videos, showing that using generative AI could make course creation easier. This is an addition we are currently working on for the Era LMS platform as an LMS provider, which will save content uploaders of corporate organizations the time and money spent to record videos separately.
  • Optimization: As quoted by Steve Dineen, CEO of Fuse Universal learning platform and a Forbes HR Council Member, “AI is not just a problem solver; it’s a catalyst for cost-saving opportunities”. Through AI, learning data can be fully utilized to identify trends and predict learner outcomes, allowing for proactive support and intervention free of admin constraints. This allows greater efficiency and scalability.

Benefits of Customized Corporate Learning Solutions with AI

Implementing AI-powered customized corporate learning solutions offers numerous benefits for organizations, including:

  • Increased employee engagement and motivation: By providing personalized and engaging learning experiences, AI can help improve employee morale and reduce turnover.
  • Improved knowledge retention and skill development: Tailored learning paths and adaptive learning systems ensure that employees are learning the skills they need and retaining knowledge effectively.
  • Reduced training time and costs: AI-powered solutions can automate many aspects of training, leading to significant cost savings and reduced time spent on development and delivery.
  • Enhanced learning outcomes and organizational performance: By empowering employees with the right skills and knowledge, AI can contribute to improved performance and increased productivity.
  • Greater flexibility and accessibility for learners: AI-powered solutions allow employees to learn anytime, anywhere, on their preferred devices.

About Us

Era Biz Solutions is an offshore software development company and leading LMS provider in the UK and Sri Lanka that was formed in 2011. The organization focuses on providing custom software development, web development, and mobile app development services to clients in a transparent and reliable manner. It is known for the innovation and creativity of its talented dedicated developers and dedicated teams sourced by its tech hub in Sri Lanka. In addition to the custom development projects offered in the form of full project outsourcing, Era Biz also provides flagship solutions for CRM, ERP, LMS and Logistics that have many loyal users over the years.

Era Biz Solutions: Your Partner in Customized Corporate Learning Solutions with AI:

Era Biz Solutions, as an experienced LMS provider and offshore software development company, now leverages its expertise to create cutting-edge AI-powered learning solutions. We offer a comprehensive range of services, including:

1. AI-powered LMS Development and Customization:

Imagine an LMS that not only delivers content but also actively adapts to each learner’s unique needs and preferences. This is the reality with AI-powered LMS development and customization. Here’s how it works at Era Biz:

  • AI-powered content creation tools: Leverage AI to generate personalized learning paths, curate relevant content, and create engaging interactive exercises.
  • Adaptive learning algorithms: Continuously optimize the learning experience based on individual learner performance, adjusting difficulty and pace to ensure maximum comprehension.
  • Automated feedback and assessments: Provide immediate and personalized feedback on assignments and assessments, helping learners identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Personalized learning dashboards: Offer learners a clear overview of their progress, goals, and recommended next steps.
  • Learning style identification: AI analyzes learner behavior and engagement to tailor content and delivery methods to individual learning styles.


  • Increased learner engagement and motivation: Personalized and adaptive learning experiences keep learners engaged and motivated, leading to better learning outcomes.
  • Improved knowledge retention and skill development: Focused learning paths and personalized feedback help learners retain information and develop relevant skills.
  • Reduced administrative burden for trainers: Automation features free up trainers’ time to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Enhanced data-driven decision making: Gain valuable insights into learner behavior and performance to make informed decisions about training programs.

2. Learning Analytics and Data Visualization:

When developing software with Era Biz Solutions, as a top LMS provider in Sri Lanka, our AI powered learning analytics and data visualization allows you to transform raw data into actionable insights much faster and easier. This allows a clear picture of learner behavior, performance, and learning trends.

  • Track learner progress: Monitor individual and group progress across various learning modules and activities.
  • Identify learning gaps: Pinpoint areas where learners are struggling and provide targeted support.
  • Analyze learner engagement: Gauge learner engagement levels and identify factors that contribute to low engagement.
  • Predict learner outcomes: Utilize AI to predict future learner performance and intervene proactively.
  • Visualize data in real-time: Generate interactive dashboards and reports that provide clear insights into learning data.


  • Improved training program effectiveness: Data-driven insights enable you to refine and optimize training programs for maximum impact.
  • Personalized learning interventions: Provide targeted support to individual learners based on their specific needs.
  • Enhanced decision making: Make informed decisions about training investments and resource allocation.
  • Increased transparency and accountability: Track the progress and impact of training programs.
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3. AI-driven Chatbots and Virtual Assistants:

Learners are empowered with 24/7 personalized support through AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants. These features can:

  • Answer learner questions in real-time about course material, technical issues, and administrative procedures.
  • Provide personalized learning recommendations and suggestions based on individual progress and goals.
  • Offer guidance and support throughout the learning journey.
  • Assist with task completion and problem-solving.
  • Promote social interaction and engagement among learners.


  • Improved learner satisfaction: Provide learners with convenient and immediate access to support.
  • Reduced workload for trainers and support staff: Free up human resources to focus on more complex tasks.
  • Increased accessibility: Make learning resources and support available anytime, anywhere.
  • Enhanced learner self-efficacy: Empower learners to take ownership of their learning journey.

4. Personalized Learning Recommendations and Adaptive Learning Systems:

At Era Biz, we are taking personalization to the next level with our AI-powered learning recommendations and adaptive learning systems. Our Era LMS platform can now be customized to:

  • Analyze past learner behavior and performance to recommend relevant learning materials and activities.
  • Adjust the difficulty and pace of learning materials based on individual progress and mastery levels.
  • Offer personalized feedback and guidance to help learners achieve their learning goals.
  • Create individualized learning paths that optimize knowledge acquisition and skill development.


  • Increased learning efficiency: Learners spend less time on irrelevant material and focus on areas where they need the most improvement.
  • Improved learning outcomes: Personalized learning paths lead to deeper understanding and better retention of information.
  • Enhanced learner motivation: Learners are more likely to stay engaged when they feel their learning experience is tailored to their specific needs.
  • Increased learner autonomy: Learners become empowered to take control of their learning journey.


We believe that AI-powered customized learning solutions are the future of corporate training. By partnering with Era Biz Solutions, you can ensure that your organization is equipped with the tools and resources necessary to empower your workforce and achieve your business goals.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you create a customized learning solution that drives success.

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