What does Bespoke Software Development Cost? Debunking the Myths

Today we live in a technology-driven world. Businesses are increasingly forced to turn to bespoke software development to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge.

The global bespoke software development market is expected to reach US $806.24 billion by 2027 in comparison to the US $647.32 billion forecast for 2023, highlighting the growing demand for tailored software solutions (Source: Statista). However, understanding the associated costs of bespoke software development can be a daunting task for many businesses. Many decisionmakers become hesitant due to the myths and vague ideas that spring due to the popularity of bespoke software development.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the factors that influence bespoke software development costs, explore different cost estimation approaches, and provide strategies for optimizing your development budget.

Understanding the Cost Variables

Determining the cost of bespoke software development is not a straightforward process, as numerous factors contribute to the overall project expenses. These factors can be broadly categorized into three main areas: project scope and complexity, development team expertise, and location and hourly rates. A 2023 pricing guide by Clutch found that the average hourly rate for software development in the United States ranges from $100 to $150, ranking among the highest alongside that of Canada and Australia followed by the UK. Other factors the guide identified rates varying significantly depending on the complexity of the software, location of the software development team, and skillsets used for the backend infrastructure and UI/UX design. Let’s examine each of these areas in detail.

1.     Project Scope and Complexity

The scope and complexity of a bespoke software project have a direct impact on development costs. A simple project with well-defined requirements and a limited set of features will naturally incur lower costs compared to a complex project with intricate functionalities, multiple integrations, and a diverse user base.

The 1994 Chaos Report by Standish Group is famous for its analysis that only 16.2% of software projects actually succeed in full, while others are challenged or impaired. They found that the major reasons for failure were cost and time overruns caused by restarts, and content deficiencies – all of which could have been overcome by better planning and definition of the scope. The trend continues to this day.

Therefore, it is crucial to invest time and effort in upfront planning and requirements definition to minimize scope creep and cost overruns.

2.     Development Team Expertise

The expertise and experience of the development team play a crucial role in determining the overall cost of the project. A team of highly skilled and experienced developers will likely charge higher hourly rates, but their proficiency can lead to faster development cycles, fewer bugs, and a higher quality product, potentially offsetting the initial investment.

Many reports find that demand for skilled software developers is outpacing supply, especially in the high-cost countries identified by the Clutch report (mentioned above), leading to increasing wages and competition for talent. Businesses should carefully evaluate the experience and skillset of their development team to ensure they have the right expertise for the project’s requirements. They should consider offshoring for the right talent if necessary.

3.     Location and Hourly Rates

The location of the development team significantly influences the hourly rates charged. Developers in regions with higher living costs and a more competitive talent pool typically command higher rates than those in less expensive regions.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the median salary of Software Developers in 2022 was US $59.71, while the median salary for developers with the same skills in Sri Lanka was around US $10 or less according to various reports.

Businesses should consider the cost-benefit trade-off between hiring local developers for easier communication and collaboration versus offshore developers for lower hourly rates who often have good communication and collaboration skills as well (depending on the location).

Additional Factors

In addition to the primary cost variables mentioned above, several other factors can influence the overall cost of a bespoke software project. These include:

  • Third-party integrations: Integrating with existing third-party systems or APIs can add complexity and cost to the project. According to an article on Business Wire based on data from 2022, there increasing numbers of developers working on third APIs (at 54% up from 49% in 2021), making integration costs a significant factor for many projects.
  • Custom designs: Unique user interfaces, custom graphics, and other design elements, which while looking good and improving the user experience, can increase the time and effort required for development, impacting costs.
  • Ongoing maintenance: Maintaining and updating the software after its release involves ongoing costs for bug fixes, security patches, and feature enhancements. A Deloitte study in 2020 found that although 72% of executive leadership prefer IT projects that focus on innovation and emerging technologies, in actuality the average IT department spends over 55% of their technology budget on ongoing software maintenance and only 19% on innovation.

Cost Estimation Approaches

Given the complexities involved in bespoke software development, selecting an appropriate cost estimation approach is crucial for managing project budgets effectively. Three common approaches are:

·       Fixed Price Model

In the fixed price model, the development team agrees to deliver the project for a predetermined fixed price. This model is suitable for projects with well-defined requirements and a clear scope of work. However, it can be inflexible if project requirements change significantly during development.

A research article[i] by the Project Management Institute (PMI) found that many experienced agile experts stated that agile development (which improved efficiency and flexibility) only worked well on a slippery timeline and budget, that is when the price was calculated according to time and materials. As most clients who go for the fixed price budget understate their needs and time required due to a lack of knowledge, the projects often fail from lack of budget or go over the deadline.

·       Time and Materials Model

The time and materials model involves billing clients based on the actual time spent by developers working on the project. This model provides more flexibility for projects with evolving requirements, but it can be difficult to accurately predict the total cost upfront. A 2015 study by Forrester found that the time and materials model is the most preferred contract according to 52% of decisionmakers in businesses.

·       Agile Development Approach

The agile development approach breaks the project down into smaller sprints, each with its own set of deliverables. After each sprint, the team evaluates progress and adjusts the project plan accordingly. This iterative approach allows for continuous adaptation to changing requirements and can help manage costs more effectively. A research study[ii] on the Impact of Agile Methodology on Project Success found that 95% of organizations have fully adopted agile development practices, with 81% stating that Agile approaches make productivity “Higher” or “Much Higher”.

·       Dedicated Team Plan

This model calculates taking into consideration the number of developers, weekly hours, skillsets and technologies required for the project. It provides better flexibility and accountability on the bespoke software developers’ end and for clients better control over how they want to spend their development budget and time.

Optimizing Bespoke Software Development Costs

While bespoke software development can be a significant investment, there are several strategies businesses can employ to optimize costs without compromising quality:

  • Strategy 1: Thorough Planning and Requirements Definition:

Thorough planning and proper requirements definition are essential for minimizing the risk of cost overruns and ensuring the project delivers the expected value. This involves:

  1. Clearly Defining Project Goals and Objectives: Clearly articulating the project’s goals and objectives provides a framework for making informed decisions throughout the development process.
  2. Detailed Requirements Gathering: Gathering detailed requirements from all stakeholders helps ensure the software meets the needs of all users and addresses their specific pain points.
  3. Documenting Requirements: Documenting requirements in a clear and concise manner ensures that everyone involved in the project has a shared understanding of what needs to be built.
  4. Regular Requirements Review and Iteration: Regularly reviewing and refining requirements as the project progresses helps adapt to changing needs and avoid costly rework.
  • Strategy 2: Utilizing Open-Source Components

Open-source software components can provide a cost-effective and reliable foundation for bespoke software development. This involves:

  1. Evaluating Open-Source Options: Carefully evaluating available open-source components to ensure they meet the project’s specific requirements and align with the overall technology stack.
  2. Assessing Compatibility and Security: Ensuring the open-source components are compatible with the chosen development framework and programming languages, and that they meet security standards.
  3. Understanding Licensing Requirements: Understanding the licensing terms of the open-source components to avoid any legal or compliance issues.
  4. Contributing to Open-Source Projects: Contributing back to the open-source community by reporting bugs, providing fixes, or participating in development can help improve the overall quality of the open-source components.
  • Strategy 3: Strategic Partnering with Development Teams

Establishing a strong partnership with an experienced and reliable development team can significantly impact project success and cost optimization. This involves:

  1. Selecting the Right Development Partner: Carefully evaluating potential development partners based on their experience, expertise, communication style, and track record of delivering successful projects. Take into consideration offshore software development approaches in countries such as Sri Lanka for maximum cost-effectiveness.
  2. Establishing Clear Communication Channels: Establishing open and transparent communication channels with the development team fosters collaboration, reduces misunderstandings, and ensures alignment throughout the project. Doing team building can and regular meetings can help a lot.
  3. Regular Project Reviews and Feedback: Conducting regular project reviews and providing constructive feedback helps maintain progress, identify potential issues early on, and optimize development efforts. Make sure that key personnel are present to answer any questions
  4. Building a Collaborative Relationship: Cultivating a collaborative relationship with the development team based on trust, mutual respect, and shared goals fosters a positive work environment and promotes project success. Keep in mind that what seems easy at first appearance may not be as simple in terms of software development. Hence, try to cut some slack and plan for any unexpected complications beforehand.

Debunking Myths

  • Myth 1: Custom Software Development is Very Costly. You have to spend several tens of thousands of dollars or more

Reality: False. The cost of bespoke software development is dependent on the complexity, technologies used, and the location of the development team. Custom software can be even less costly than that of generic software with careful planning and when using an offshore software development team.

  • Myth 2: Bespoke software developers from offshore or remote teams will be difficult to work with and have lower quality.

Reality: False. Just as some developers will be good or bad onshore, in offshore development too you get good and bad developers. It makes life easier if you find a reliable software development company such as Era Biz Solutions to ensure that your remote development team is managed well in their home country and you project is on a straight line to success. Good communication and collaboration are dependent on where you are offshoring your bespoke software project with and who you select as your software development partner. For example, Era Biz strictly ensures that all our developers are very conversant in English to establish better communication.

  • Myth 3: Your software development project will cost XX amount as your peer paid that amount for the same type of software.

Reality: False. While your peers paid a certain amount for their bespoke software development does not mean you will get the same cost. For example, the ERP system used by the Pepsi company would have cost an entirely different amount to that used by the Coca Cola company and would have different features internally. Your costs will differ based on your individual needs (including other systems you may be using and may need to integrate with), the UI design of your software, the technologies you use and expertise of your development team. If planned wisely, you can even get a significantly lower cost for your bespoke software than what your peers paid.

About Us

Era Biz Solutions is an offshore software development company in the UK and Sri Lanka that was formed in 2011. The organization focuses on providing custom software development, web development, and mobile app development services to clients in a transparent and reliable manner. It is known for the innovation and creativity of its talented dedicated developers and dedicated teams sourced by its tech hub in Sri Lanka. In addition to the custom development projects offered in the form of full project outsourcing, Era Biz also provides flagship solutions for CRM, ERP, LMS and Logistics that have many loyal users over the years.

IT Services, Dedicated Developers, Bespoke Software Development, Offshore, IT Outsourcing, Era Biz Solutions, remote work


Bespoke software development can be a powerful tool for businesses seeking to transform their operations, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge. However, understanding the associated costs and selecting the most appropriate cost estimation approach are essential for managing project budgets effectively. By carefully considering the factors influencing development costs, employing cost optimization strategies, and establishing strong partnerships with experienced development teams, businesses can maximize the value of their bespoke software investments.

Contact us to make your life easier with experienced teams and greatest cost effectiveness.

[i] Fewell, J. (2011). Fixed price agile projects: making the impossible possible. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2011—North America, Dallas, TX. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

[ii] Wafa, R., Khan, M.Q., Malik, F., Abdusalomov, A.B., Cho, Y.I., and Odarchenko, R. (2022) ‘The Impact of Agile Methodology on Project Success, with a Moderating Role of Person’s Job Fit in the IT Industry of Pakistan’. Applied Sciences [online] 12 (21), 10698. available from <http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app122110698>

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