Bespoke Software Development Companies in Sri Lanka: 12 Secrets that Nobody Tells You

In an entrepreneurial society that is rapidly growing more global while the economy remains volatile, outsourcing for bespoke software development is not just an alternative; it is a critical requirement.

As nations try to position themselves as major competitors in this field, Sri Lanka is developing into a formidable rival.

However, because the number of providers keeps rising, Era Biz understands that for clients the question of how to find and choose the best bespoke software development company in Sri Lanka becomes more difficult and important.

Hire Dedicated Developers, Bespoke Software Development

Outsourcing Software Development in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka used to be known for its fragrant tea and vivid textiles. However, in recent years, particularly with the COVID pandemic, we have been able to observe discreet evolution tech residents within the country. A technological shift.

The Sri Lanka Export Development Board confirmed that the IT and BPO sector’s export revenue hit an unprecedented USD 1.2 billion in 2021, a number that continued to grow in the following years, though accurate statistics are currently unavailable.

In the meantime, the government has been diligently striving to achieve “Vision 2025,” a strategy that aims to make Sri Lanka an internationally recognized hub for digital innovation and software development.

The initiative calls for the ICT industry to be the country’s largest source of foreign exchange by 2025, with US$5 billion in revenue, over 200,000 additional employment opportunities, and 1,000 fresh startups. Such a rate of growth cannot be ignored, particularly as it originates from the nation’s youth, a majority of whom are college-educated, tech-savvy, and fluent in English.

How to Determine the Best Bespoke Software Development Company

While it is undoubted that Sri Lanka provides a comfortable environment to outsource in, the rapid growth also makes it difficult to make the final decision on the right custom software development company to outsource your project.

Values of Bespoke Software Development, Software Development Companies, Era Biz Solutions
Values to Determine the Best Software Development Company | Era Biz Solutions

What most people won’t tell you are the right steps to follow so as to identify the best bespoke software development company in Sri Lanka for your project.  This is why Era Biz Solutions compiled the following guidelines to walk you through the process.

Tip 1: Make a list of your requirements

Many bespoke software development companies won’t ask you for a clear list of your requirements at the initial stage. They will give you a very inflated quotation taking advantage of this. This gives them space to add unnecessary details to your software and charge you for it as well.

Don’t fall for it. We don’t give you such inflated quotations beforehand. Instead we will explain the factors that will affect your costs, because at Era Biz we look at flexibility to the utmost. The best way to play safe is to give clear-cut requirements of the software that you will need. When doing your requirements analysis think on:

  • Why do you want to outsource your software development project?

Whether you want to improve momentum, find talent from all over the world, or optimize expenses; defining the primary objective of your project will help you target your search. You could be looking to outsource your entire IT project, hire a few dedicated developers, or add skilled IT staff to your team for a short period of time.

  • Your Scope of Work:

What sort of software do you want to create? What sort of custom software development services do you need? Without your scope being defined properly, you will not know when the project does not meet its objectives or goes beyond the scope. Outline tasks, processes, and objectives. What do you expect your Sri Lankan collaborator to deliver? You can decide on a range of IT solutions.

Tip 2: Do Your Due Diligence

While selecting your bespoke software development partner it is important to do your research. Check if the reviews support the software development company’s claims. Look at their online and offline presence to judge their reliability. For example Era Biz has been active for over 12 years with an active presence on LinkedIn, Facebook, Clutch and TechBehemoths. Our Google profile is also kept regularly updated.

Choosing bespoke software development companies - Do Your Due Diligence, software development, Sri Lanka, Era Biz Solutions
Choosing bespoke software development companies – Do Your Due Diligence

Keep in mind that looks can be deceiving. Good marketing still has to have the substance to back it up. Here are some things you can do to check the reliability of a potential software development partner:

  • Digital reconnaissance: In an era where online reputation is a sign of reliability, it is important to do proper research regarding reviews, ratings, and customer testimonials. Look at lists and articles such as this one on the best companies to get an assessment.
  • Business Networks: Engage with your peers and leaders in your field. Their experiences with outsourcing can give you the treasure trove of information you’re looking for. Recommendations from business partners can also give you information that has not yet been controlled and filtered by businesses wanting to appear ‘perfect’. This is why “81% of companies view customer experience as a competitive differentiator”, says Forbes.

Tip 3: Evaluate Knowledge and Experience

While choosing a partner for your bespoke software development project, it is important to get a good understanding of their experience and expertise.

  • Track record: Top bespoke software development Companies in Sri Lanka like IFS, Virtusa, and Era Biz have set industry standards over and over again. Their past work creates a track record to show their skills and competence.
  • Expertise in your domain: Does the company know the ins and outs of your company’s industry? Are they skilled in providing app development services, software applications, web applications, and maintenance and support for your industry. Generic solutions that work for everyone rarely meet specific goals. Custom software development companies like Era Biz that have knowledge of a wide range of industries are better able to meet your needs.

Tip 4: Check Quality Standards

Certifications like ISO are more than just badges; they show how committed a company is to quality. Additionally, in Sri Lanka, state groups like SLASSCOM try to raise the quality standards of member companies. You can also check for awards such as the TechBehemoths Awards 2023.

Check Quality Standards in Bespoke Software Development, Era Biz Solutions

Tip 5: Ensure flexibility and scalability

While software development companies may be amazing and reliable on all counts, what you need to understand is that your project may still fail if it’s not a good fit for you in terms of scale and agility. Are you a smaller or medium-sized company looking to do bespoke software development, then a huge software development company may not be able to cater to your specific requirements in terms of scale and cost.

On the other hand, you may be a huge organization that does a small project with the understanding that your initiative may grow fast. Smaller IT companies may not be able to cater agilely to your growth and requirements. Hence, here are things you should check when hiring a bespoke software development company:

  • Adaptability: The contracting partner should be flexible enough to handle changes in tools, techniques, or the scope of the project.
  • Scalability: Does your IT partner have the agility to handle changes in the scale of the project whenever business peaks occur? Your partner’s limits should never slow down your business.

Tip 6: Prioritize the security and privacy of your data

Keep in mind that security comes first before all. Don’t compromise your company’s data on mere surface-level quality. Do a thorough check to ensure your IT partner won’t leave any loopholes during software development whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Data Security and Privacy  practices, bespoke software development, Era Biz Solutions
  • Cybersecurity Protocols: Since data hacks are happening more often currently, you should look into how your partnering software development company safeguards client data during work. Organizations like Era Biz have been in the lead when it comes to having stringent requirements for data security.
  • Compliance: Make sure that the company you choose follows global data protection regulations and keeps customer and client information safe.

Tip 7: Make sure communication works

No matter how talented the developers you hire are, without proper communication, you will soon face challenges. So, it is best to gain an understanding of their level of communication.

  • Knowledge of languages: Even though a lot of people in Sri Lanka speak English well, it’s just as important to know business language and industry-specific terms. Many of the best bespoke software development companies in Sri Lanka, like Era Biz Solutions, hire developers only after going through an extensive procedure to check how well they communicate in business English.
  • Tools and methods for communication: For a partnership to work well, there must be regular updates, open routes for feedback, and transparency in how things are done.

Tip 8: Conduct a cost-benefit analysis

cost effectiveness in Bespoke software development, era biz solutions

Here’s the best and most honest advice we can give you from Era Biz Solutions as a company who has been in the software development industry for over 12 years:

Don’t operate at a loss. While transparency is a key value in Sri Lanka, don’t depend on it and play cautious.

  • Straightforward billing: Ensure that your bespoke software development partner gives you a clear breakdown of the costs with no hidden costs. The main goal should be to get the most for your money. You have an advantage here as Sri Lanka is a country that offers some of the best value for money work in the Asian region and even around the world, with high quality being of the utmost priority.
  • Hidden Costs: While most Sri Lankan companies are very transparent, there are a few black sheep. Companies with a lot of “fine print” should be avoided. Every cost, from getting started to final implementation, should be discussed upfront.

Tip 9: Visit the company (if possible).

Nothing tells the truth like a first-hand look. Here’s what you can gain with a direct visit to the company:

  • Infrastructure Audit: A company’s actual infrastructure often reflects how well it runs as a whole. Visiting the company can help obtain a first-hand look at things. And while the travel may seem costly and time-consuming, it will only cost you a mere fraction of what you would pay when outsourcing in a first-world country, especially if you check not a single, but a diverse number of candidates in the same area.
  • Insight into the company’s culture: Proactively interacting with the staff and taking part in the company’s culture can give you a deep understanding of their values, work ethic, and dedication.

Tip 10: Understand the Cultural Fit

Getting to know the local culture can make a difference when offshoring your bespoke software development project.

Testing Cultural Compatibility, Bespoke Software Development, Era Biz Solutions
  • Business Etiquette: Sri Lankan companies combine the Eastern values of openness and integrity with the professionalism of the West. This mix can make your project highly successful.
  • Ease of Integration: Organizations that share the same values as your company can be incorporated into your operations with ease.

Tip 11: Deal with the Law and Contracts

Whether you offshore in Sri Lanka or elsewhere, outsourcing your software development project in a legally supportive country can be safer in case of any security breaches or legal challenges. Triple-check your contracts and see how the local laws interpret them.

Laws and Contracts used for Bespoke Software Development, Era Biz Solutions
  • Contractual Clarity: Every detail should be recorded in writing, from the details of task assignments to the procedure to solve a conflict.
  • Local Laws: Knowing Sri Lankan business laws helps ensure that everything proceeds seamlessly from a legal standpoint.

Tip 12: Consider a trial period

Are you still very satisfied with your bespoke software development company?

Then here is the last test. Put them to trial.

  • Reducing risks: Before making a long-term commitment, a pilot project can be used to assess compatibility, competence, and reliability. Era Biz Solutions provides the MVP Development option as well.
  • Feedback Cycle: Use the trial period to set up strategies to obtain feedback that will be crucial in the long run.

Possible challenges and how to solve them

No matter how good a partnership is, conflicts are bound to occur. Whether it’s differences in the ways of doing work or challenges in working with different time zones, the key is to be prepared and plan ahead. These challenges can be turned into growth opportunities by employing technology, fostering open communication, and following up regularly.

Possible Challenges in Bespoke Software Development, Era Biz Solutions

Here are some challenges that you may come across during your project and the best solutions that Era Biz can give you as experienced developers:

  1. Communication Difficulties: You request something that your offshore team just doesn’t get.
    • Solution: Establish clear requirements and ensure the bespoke software development partner understands before you start the project. If you sense any difficulty request an interpreter with sufficient IT knowledge be present. Make sure you stay in touch with your team in real time.
  2. Technical Challenges: That one piece of code that you expect to be simple your developers keep spending hours of work on it due to some backend technicality.
    • Solution: Sometimes you need to either be patient with your developers or give way and seek an alternative. Keep in mind that what you see after the development is just the tip of the iceberg. There may be a lot of coding that goes into even what may seem like a simple button if the backend has some complexity. At this point you have to judge whether you truly require this time-consuming feature and if there can be another way.
  3. Timing and Deadline Problems: It’s been months and your developers still haven’t delivered any outputs for you.
    • Solution: Make sure your developers are using agile methodologies (as Era Biz does 😁) which allows you to see some form of output at regular intervals throughout the development project. This gives you a good idea of what is happening and if there are any delays. Using dedicated teams helps as well.
  4. Changes in the Market: What you planned and requested, suddenly became outdated due to some new development in the market. Now your developers are refusing to redo it unless they get paid the same as a new project.
    • Solution: Once again Agile Development Methodologies are a great solution. Your IT company will be doing the software development in short sprints. Therefore, you can make adjustments and changes accordingly. Even if some major change occurs, you can go back and request a change for only the relevant area of development and pay extra for that change only. 
  5. Differences in Delivery: What you requested is completely different from the final software you were delivered and does not fulfill your requirements.
    • Solution: Ensure your contract includes the project scope in writing while making it clear that you will pay in stages only as you see that the requirements are completed. Try to also have a caveat that at least some of the payment will be returned if the final product does not meet requirements. At Era Biz, we draft excellent client contracts that take into consideration the well-being of our clients.


Finding the perfect outsourcing company in Sri Lanka is not just a matter of delegating tasks. It’s about forming a partnership—a mutually beneficial relationship where both sides evolve, develop and reach new heights. Sri Lanka is a leader in the IT and BPO industries, so working together with a reputable outsourcing company in Sri Lanka such as Era Biz Solutions has an immense likelihood of ensuring project success. In Sri Lanka, you’re not just outsourcing projects; you’re also embracing a rich ethnic tapestry, advanced technology, and a level of commitment that is truly unmatched.

For further information on the advantages of outsourcing in Sri Lanka, see:

  1. Sri Lanka: Asia’s Emerging IT/ITES destination
  2. The Sri Lanka Advantage

Contact Era Biz for a free quote on your bespoke software development project.

Bespoke Software Development, Offshore, Era Biz Solutions

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